Data Protection Policy

Data Collector

Name: Alfmix Oy
Business ID: 0292577-9
Address: Kellokukantie 1, FI-01300 Vantaa, Finland
Telephone number: +358 10 501 3600
E-mail address:

Contact person for the Register

Company: Alfmix Oy
Name: Nina Glantz
Address: Kellokukantie 1, FI-01300 Vantaa, Finland
Telephone number: +358 10 501 3621
E-mail address:

Intended Purpose of the Register

The collected data shall be used for identifying the client and collaboration partner. Maintaining and developing the client and the partner relationship.

Grounds for Collecting Data

Data concerning a client or collaboration partner shall be collected and processed with the client´s or collaboration partner´s consent or in order to enforce a contract concluded with a client or collaboration partner.

Information Content of the Register

The company´s name, contact person, business ID, address, e-mail address and phone number.

The collaboration partner´s name, contact person, business ID, address, e-mail address and phone number.

Data Retention Time

The data shall be stored as long as it is needed to enforce a contract concluded with a client or collaboration partner or to develop the client or partner relationship.

Regular Data Sources

Data shall be collected mainly from the client or collaboration partner themselves.

Regular Release of Data and Data Transfer outside the EU or EEA

Data shall not be regularly released outside the company.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files sent to and saved on the user´s computer and they make it possible for the administrator of the website to identify frequent visitors to the site, facilitate user login and enable the creation of combination data on the visitors.

On the basis of this feedback, we can continuously improve the contents of our website.

Cookies do not damage the users´ computers or files.

We use cookies in a way that allows us to offer our clients information and services based on their individual needs.

If the user visiting our website does not want us to access the abovementioned information with the aid of cookie, most browsers allow the cookie function to be turned off. Usually this takes place via browser settings.

It is however advisable to take into account the fact that cookies may be necessary for the proper functionality of some of the web pages we maintain or services we offer.

Register Protection

Electronic data is protected with usernames, passwords and a firewall. Only persons employed by the data collector who need the data in their work have access rights to the data.

Automated Decision Making

Automated individual decisions (Article 22 in the GDPR) shall not be made.

Rights of the Registrant

  • The registrant has the right to check what kind of personal data has been saved about them in the person register.
  • A signed written request for inspection must be sent to the contact person for the register.
  • The right to check the data is cost-free when conducted once a year at most.
  • The registrant has the right to demand the correction or removal of incorrect or dated data.
  • They also have the right to restrict or object to the processing of their data in accordance with Articles 19 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • The registrant has the right to withdraw previously provided consent for data processing or file a complaint with the supervisory authority about matters related to the processing of their personal data.
  • The registrant also has the right to forbid the use or their personal data for direct marketing purposes.